Saturday, January 7, 2012

Day 6: Clingy

Another day, another sleepless night. Camden is still waiting for those teeth to come through, which is making him extra clingy. He wanted to be held all day long, which I usually don't mind but I couldn't get any laundry or dishes done. We practiced trying to sit up some more but as usual he is not interested at all. He just falls to the side or forward onto his belly. I think his head is just too heavy, he'll get it eventually.

During Camden's brief nap I researched car seats because in a month or two Camden is going to need a new one. I want a car seat that rear faces the longest and of course the car seat that I want is the most expensive. I also started doing research on cloth diapering because I really wants to start, but don't know much about it. We took another trip to the mall again and Camden was an angel and made friends with all the girls working at the stores, as usual.