Wednesday, November 30, 2011

4 Month Checkup

I took Camden to his 4 month check up yesterday. I finally got his insurance card in the mail so I turned that in to the doctor's office so they can stop sending me bills I can't afford. Speaking of mail, since I had Camden I literally get bills in the mail about him everyday, when peoples say babies are expensive they were not talking about diapers and formula. Anyways, they weighed Camden and he has officially doubled his birth weight. He weighed 7 pounds 2 ounces at birth and weighed 6 pounds 11 ounces when we left the hospital, He now weighs a whopping 14 pounds 11 ounces. He's now also 24 inches long which is a little under average, but that's what he gets for having a mom that barley hits five foot, but nothing is average about this boy's huge head! his head is 44 centimeters. I asked the pediatrician if this was normal and he said it was in the 90th percentile, so his head is bigger than 90 percent of the babies his age. When the doctor saw my face he covered it up by saying it just means he is going to be really smart. I'm just glad his head wasn't that big when he was born. He also got 4 vaccines when we were there. I've been doing some research about vaccines and I'm considering doing a delayed vaccine schedule instead of the recommended schedule, but this time he did get all 4 vaccines. He napped a lot during the day so I knew we were not going to have a very good night. He woke up at eleven crying for no reason and didn't want a bottle so I just let him lay in bed with me. Then I realized he had a stuffy nose and every time he tried to take a deep breath he would start coughing. I felt so bad. He could have caught a little cold from me because I did have a stuffy nose the past few days, but I can't help but think maybe the shots gave him a little virus, which is another reason I'm thinking about delaying his shots. I will have to do some more research before making a final decision about it. The doctor also told me I can start him on solids, which I have decided not to do. I'm waiting until He is at least six or seven months old before even thinking about anything besides formula for him. The pediatrician was perfectly okay with that, I'm glad I found a doctor for Camden that agrees with all my beliefs and parenting decisions. I can't believe Camden is four months old. I feel like I have had him my whole life, I can't even remember life without him, but I feel like he was just a newborn baby a few days ago and now he almost sits up by himself. I cannot wait for what the next few months will bring

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