Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Future Children

Having Camden has really changed my outlook on life and parenting. I never thought I would be one of those crazy everything has to be all natural type of parent, but that is what I am turning in to. I am already thinking about things that I plan on doing for the next pregnancy I have (not that it will be anytime soon). I know next time I give birth I want a home birth. Call me crazy I know, but giving birth was such an amazing experience that I want it to go exactly how I want it and I didn't get that in the hospital. I'll just take a minute to explain everything I didn't like about my hospital experience. The first thing they did was hook me up to an IV. They didn't even ask me my birth plan. What if it was in my birth plan that I wanted an all natural birth and to be able to walk around during labor? I wouldn't have been able to. The next thing they did was tell me they were breaking my water. I was only 3 centimeters dilated and they already wanted to break my water. Again, if I wanted a natural birth and with no medical intervention, then that just went out the window because you can only go 24 hours after your water has broken before infection becomes a problem. The next thing they did was put me on pitocin, which speeds up labor. It's given to induce labor as well. Why would I need pitocin? I was already in labor and progressing on my own so why were they trying to speed the process up? My body is made to labor itself after all, but not knowing any better I agreed. I also had two different nurses when laboring, if I was to have a home birth I would have 2 midwives there (which is what I want to go to school to do) and it would be very personal because the midwives are who give me my prenatal care throughout my pregnancy. Then when I was ready to push, they paged the doctor. It took him 25 minutes to get into the room. Needless to say He almost missed the birth of my son. I want to be able to push when I want to and let my body do what it was made to do. I almost forgot about the fighting during my pushing. My doctor and nurse got into a fight while I was pushing, great timing guys. The nurse and the doctor were literally screaming at each other about something not being sterile while I was delivering Camden. What a great environment to bring my child into, right? Then after he was out they didn't even let me see him right away! I could understand If he had some sort of complication or if he wasn't breathing, but I had a normal birth and he was healthy. I want to be able to have that instant bond and connection with my son right away, I want to be the first one my future children see, not some nurse. I know the next birth I have will be at home. I also know next time I  have children I won't want to know the sex before their born. There are so few surprises in life and I want their gender to be one of them.

 I have really considered cloth diapering. Not with Camden, because I didn't look into it before he was born and honestly, I don't have the money to invest in that right now, but with future children I will really consider it. Again, I never thought I would be this type of parent, but having Camden has really changed my outlook of everything. Know better do better, right? 

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