Saturday, November 12, 2011

Spoiled Baby

It is officially November which means time to start buying for Christmas. I know Camden is only going to be 5 months old on Christmas (well almost) but I can't help but buy everything for him. I want him to wake up to a million presents for him under the tree, not that he'll know the difference. First present on my list to buy him, a jumper. He loves to be bounced on my knee and thrown in the air so I know he is going to love being in a jumper and we have a huge doorway for him to do it in.

Camden has officially found his voice. He loves to be talked to and he is not afraid to talk back. He makes all sorts of noises, including screams and giggles. If I put him in front of a mirror he will talk for an hour to himself. He has been craving stimulation lately. You can't just put him down somewhere because he wants to be played with. I never mind playing with him and talking to him but it can get a little overwhelming when I'm trying to wash bottles or take a shower. 

There is always something to wash or clean with a baby, especially Camden. He goes through at least 5 outfits a day. It seems like every time I put something on him, he spits up on it or pees on it. At least I am getting good use out of all of the clothes he has. He is three months old and he has more clothes than me and after Christmas I can only assume it's going to double. I guess that's what happens when you're the only boy in a family. Everyone wants to shower you with gifts. Can't say I'm complaining. 

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